Oh Jesus-Jon McLaughlin

There is something so raw about this song. I almost feel as if I'm eavesdropping on Jon while he prays. This tender melody is like a cool healing balm for my scorched heart. How songwriters are able of taking the deepest longings and feelings of their heart, then put them into song, beautiful soul stirring songs, is too much for me to wrap my mind around. Thank you Jon, for your transparency and for putting words to questions that must be in the hearts of so many others.

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{A Month of Hymns} Great is thy Faithfulness

Thank you Lord, for being faithful, when I, a wandering sheep, didn't even notice your presence. Remind me daily of your faithfulness, keep it at the forefront of my mind and may my every action be made in light of this truth: You are faithful and Your plan for me is good. In the precious name of your son, Jesus, Amen.

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Be Thou My Vision-Audrey Assad

I have always loved this old hymn, but somehow over the last month or so it has become my anthem.
I have sought out it's haunting harmonies and empowering lyrics repeatedly and sing it prayerfully with tears in my eyes.
The artist from this recording penned a very vulnerable and beautiful blog post about this song's significance to her.
I found it so relatable, so touching, that I have re-posted it here.

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The Cello Song-The Piano Guys

The Piano Guys take songs that we all know and turn them into little slices of music heaven.
Their arrangements are nothing short of brilliant.
They also write their own originals and make really awesome music videos to fit along with their songs.
So creative and so fun, The Piano Guys get played a lot in our house!

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