{A Month of Hymns} Great is thy Faithfulness

Thank you Lord, for being faithful, when I, a wandering sheep, didn't even notice your presence. Remind me daily of your faithfulness, keep it at the forefront of my mind and may my every action be made in light of this truth: You are faithful and Your plan for me is good. In the precious name of your son, Jesus, Amen.

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{A Month of Hymns} Blessed Assurance

This is my story...
I'm telling it to you through this blog and as M. Craig Barnes says in his book, Sacred Thirst, "[Life] is defined by the God who loves you. In other words, you are not the central character, not even of your own life's story. This is not meant to demean you; it is meant to set you free".

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{A Month of Hymns} Come Thou Fount

This is why we are debtors to Grace. Because He made the first move! While dead in my sin, I would never have been able to see or feel my need for Him. That's just how bad off I was. So He came looking for me.  He wounded me with a longing to know Him and because He is kind, He continues to pursue me. This has been blowing my mind lately so this hymn has been a place of prayer and worship for my soul. I hope the truth found in this song bring the same enlightenment and thankfulness to your spirit as well.

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