The Bible Project

I'm pretty sure my own mom has been praying that I would be more in THE Word than in all the other words, so I'd say those prayers greatly influenced my heart to make the switch. The importance of feeding on God's Word alone kept popping up in the various sermons and podcasts that I listen to during the week as well. So I listened to the calling, and set my devotionals aside. 

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There seems to be something about the bare sharing of a meal that reveals the kingdom of God...We Christians must learn from these meals, to bring Christ’s joy to our neighborhoods and workplaces...Jesus’ fellowship meals teach that we Christians ought to be hubs of relationship and celebration in our communities. -Mark Glanville

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Rotten Fruit

I claim Christ, yet my flesh has still been ruling over me in so many areas! I don't want that! I want to be a woman of God, a branch firmly attached to the Vine, a disciple whose life is marked by the fruit I bear, so that my time on earth may bring glory to Christ. As Jesus said in John 15, God has had to do some pruning, because the fruit I've been bearing has been rotten.

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Mountains & Valleys

The past year has been a major reality check for me. Maybe people close to me knew I had some growing up to do, but I sure was blind to it. God is growing me up. And He doesn't do that on the mountain top. I have lived in fear of the valley, of loss, of death, of real pain, of those ugly trials that test you to your limit, but, after meeting those fears head on, I am praying now to embrace, not avoid them when I inevitably meet them in the future. For I do not want to be undone in the valley, I want to be made whole. 

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Since I started writing this post, He has reminded me too, that home, my real home, will feel even better than her's did. And that His home will remain mine forever! Never to be emptied out or sold. A home where the bitter and the sweet of life will be forgotten. A home where our hearts will find contentment in every corner. A home where Grandmom will laugh and scold and remember all the things that have slipped away.

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When life goes along smoothly, it's easy to praise God, count myself blessed, and tell others of His greatness . However, when things aren't going my way, when my life is far less than Instagram worthy, when I feel like I can barely trust Him at all, I have a much harder time doing those three things.

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It Really Is a Wonderful Life

I want out of the rat race where I never feel like I have enough or I am enough, because those feelings, those lies, come straight to me from the enemy. As a follower of Christ, I should be satisfied if, like Job, I lose everything. If I lost everything, I would still be a chosen daughter of Christ and because of that fact alone, I should live a life overflowing with gratitude.

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Lions, and Dragons, and Marriage, Oh My!

When I reflect on my own life, I see very distinct seasons and in each of those seasons, God has used different means of slaying the dragon within me. Currently, He is using my marriage, and like Lewis writes about Eustace's experience with Aslan, it can be painful. After all, I would prefer we operate under the illusion that I'm perfect! I have no flaws, we have no arguments, and Matthew can go to his grave never seeing me at my worst. But, that's not reality and that's not God's design for marriage.

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