Summer Sweets: Apple Pie Oatmeal Cookies

Summertime and apple pie go together. Especially when you throw in a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream *drool*. But, some days you just don't have the gumption to make a whole pie, am I right? That's how I felt the day I whipped up these cookies. They have all the flavor of a fresh apple pie, but were admittedly a lot less work!

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Hearty Apple Oatmeal

If you're looking for a simple gluten free breakfast, here it is! This recipe is straight from the Daniel Plan Cookbook. We ate LOTS of this when we were strictly following the guidelines from the Daniel Plan and still have it every other week or so. Neither of us are big fans of oatmeal, but when I make it this way, I actually enjoy it! Some of that enjoyment comes from knowing I've started the day off with a healthy meal. Doing that spurs on good habits the rest of the day too doesn't it?

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